Course curriculum

    1. Course Intro + Welcome!

    2. The Fundamentals of Awakening

    3. The Hero's Journey

    1. What is Awakening?

    2. Energy, Consciousness & Awareness

    3. Signs & Synchronicities

    1. Dual Awakening: The Light and the Dark

    2. The Matrix

    3. The Dark kNight of the Soul

    1. Know Thyself

    2. The Body is the Key

    1. Awakening vs Ascension

    2. Spirituality vs Religion

    3. False Light

    4. Manifestation vs Co-Creation

    1. Unity Christ Consciousness

    2. The Path of Mastery

    3. Creating Heaven on Earth

About this course

  • $144.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content